What is the history of Blackheath

2.40K viewsBlue Mountains

What is the history of Blackheath

Ask Roz AU Changed status to publish June 18, 2021

Blackheath (1065m)

The location of Blackheath was named by Governor Macquarie while returning from the west in 1815. On his way out he had given it the name Hounslow, after Hounslow Heath in England, but reconsidering, he wrote in his journal: “This place having a black wild appearance I have this day named it Black-Heath.”

In the early 1830s Andrew Gardiner opened The Scotch Thistle Inn and in the 1840s a convict stockade was established here. A railway platform was opened in 1869. Blackheath was proclaimed a village in 1885 and achieved municipal status in 1919.

More info here: https://www.askroz.com.au/blog/origin-of-blue-mountains-town-names/

Blackheath - Map

Blackheath – Map

Ask Roz AU Changed status to publish June 18, 2021
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