What is the history of Hazelbrook

1.64K viewsBlue Mountains

What is the history of Hazelbrook

Ask Roz AU Changed status to publish June 15, 2021

Hazelbrook (674m)

In the 1870s a private residence, Hazelbrook House (no longer in existence), was built by Edward Higgs on the south side of the railway line. When a railway station was opened opposite it in 1884 the name Hazelbrook was adopted.

There is a popular view, unsubstantiated by other than oral evidence, that Hazelbrook House took its name from a “Hazel Brook” flowing in the area that in turn got its name from “hazel-like trees” growing nearby.

More info here: https://www.askroz.com.au/blog/origin-of-blue-mountains-town-names/

Hazelbrook - Map

Hazelbrook – Map

Ask Roz AU Changed status to publish June 15, 2021
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