What is the history of Warrimoo

2.18K viewsBlue Mountains

What is the history of Warrimoo

Ask Roz AU Changed status to publish June 15, 2021

Warrimoo (273m)

In 1881 a small timber railway platform was built approximately 500 metres west of the present railway station. This was meant to serve a new Richardson & Wrench subdivision named Karabar Estate.

By the end of 1897 lack of patronage led to the closure of the Karabar platform. When the railway line was duplicated in 1902 an emergency loop and signal box was placed at Karabar but later removed during regrading work in 1913.

When Arthur Rickard & Co. subdivided this area the present railway station was built (1918) and took its name from the subdivision – Warrimoo, an Aboriginal word (not local) meaning “eagle”.

More info here: https://www.askroz.com.au/blog/origin-of-blue-mountains-town-names/

Warrimoo - Map

Warrimoo – Map

Ask Roz AU Changed status to publish June 15, 2021
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