The Journey of the White-throated Treecreeper

By | June 29, 2022

The White-throated Treecreeper (Climacteris picumnus) has an appearance quite unlike any other member of the bird family Cisticolidae in which it belongs, and it exhibits its own unique behaviour. The treecreeper is one of Australia’s small birds, but it can often be heard before it is seen; its loud, piping call is a common sound… Read More »

Blue Mountains Bushland Nursery Incentive supports nurseries

By | June 24, 2022

Blue Mountains Bushland Nursery Incentive supports nurseries Blue Mountains Bushland Nursery Incentive is Blue Mountains City Council’s free accreditation scheme to prevent the sale of invasive priority weeds within our Local Government Area and is supported by the Nursery & Garden Industry NSW & ACT. An accreditation certificate is issued to local nurseries who do… Read More »

Stand up for NAIDOC Week 2022!

By | June 24, 2022

Stand up for NAIDOC Week 2022! This year, NAIDOC Week is to be held 3-10 July and embraces the call to action: Get Up! Stand Up! Show Up! NAIDOC Week is held every July across Australia to celebrate the history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. Blue Mountains City Council is showing support… Read More »

NPWS walking track temporary closures

By | June 22, 2022

The National Parks and Wildlife Service – NPWS advise many walking tracks, roads and fire trails within Blue Mountains National Park remain closed following sustained wet weather, subsequent geological instability or infrastructure upgrades. ON THIS page we list temporary closures. Please check which areas are closed before travelling. Friday 24 June 2022 TEMPORARY CLOSURE – some Blackheath… Read More »

HISTORY ~ “Wear tennis shoes to avoid possible death”

By | June 22, 2022

Those visiting the “Fish River or Binda” caves, now Jenolan Caves, in the 1880s were encouraged to wear tennis shoes to avoid possible death. Not the most positive tourism message. According to “The pictorial guide to the Blue Mountains of New South Wales and to the districts between Parramatta and Bathurst including the Jenolan Caves”… Read More »

HISTORIC ~ Rock-Fall kills worker on road

By | June 20, 2022

On the 16th of November 1953, Kenneth Joseph Cleary was killed while constructing the road into the Kanimbla Valley. The SMH of 17th November 1953 reported “ROCK-FALL KILLS WORKER ON ROAD KATOOMBA, Monday. Kenneth Joseph Cleary, 21, of Macquarie Road, Camden, was killed instantly this afternoon when two tons of overhanging rock fell and crushed… Read More »

Mulga Snake – AKA: King Brown Snake

By | June 20, 2022

Each week, thanks to Troy, The Reptile Bloke, we look at a different reptile that you might encounter on a bushwalk. MULGA SNAKE – AKA: KING BROWN SNAKE (Pseudechis australis) Most people know this snake by the colloquial name, “King Brown Snake” but this can be confusing to some people because it is actually not… Read More »