Can you guess where Roz is? It’s a location between Lapstone and Hartley. Each day we’ll remove one more square until someone guesses it. 1st prize is a Blue Mountains Stargazing voucher for one person valued at $85.
What you have to guess is:
1. Current name of this location
2. Past name of the location
2. Past name of the location
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- The competition is open to everyone who hasn’t won a prize through Ask Roz Blue Mountains
- Anyone who isn’t a contributor.
- Entries can only be lodged via the form above.
- The judge’s decision is final.
- Only 1 entry per day.
- Bookings are accepted at the discretion of Blue Mountains Stargazing and cover stargazing only up to a value of $85.
- Prizes are not transferrable or redeemable.
- The competition closes as soon as there is a winning entry.
- The winner will be advised by eMail.
- Unclaimed prizes lapse after 30 days.